Posts tagged sweaters
Cincinnati Boudoir Photography - Miss K.

Miss K. was such a joy to work with! She was excited about her shoot through the entire process, and was so fun to shoot. Miss K. ordered one of our little black books to give to her husband. He was blown away by the photos. Here's what she told us:

"So after the big reveal last night a few of the feedback statements from my husband were, "You look so beautiful," "They did a great job!" "I'm so proud of you," and so on...  So needless to say I am super happy!!! "

Originally Miss K. had wanted to keep her photos private, but after seeing them at her photo delivery meeting both her and her husband totally wanted us to share some our their favorite shots. Thank you so much for allowing us to shoot with you! Check out some of her stunning images below.

Cincinnati Boudoir Photographer - Alycia B.

It happened to be Alycia B's birthday weekend when we shot this set, and is there a better way to spend part of your birthday weekend than pampering yourself? Hair, makeup, amazing pictures to document what a total babe you are, count me in!

Alycia has lost a large amount of weight over the past few years, and told us this when we delivered her photos. "I had fun and I freaking love them! I look so hot! Which is a good feeling for any woman, but even more so for a woman that has lost quite a bit of weight and is trying to be comfortable with her curves!"

I couldn't agree more, Alycia you look amazing! You've worked hard for the body you want. 

Our second ever Roar Society member, Alycia. Happy birthday, thanks so much for letting us photograph you, you're beautiful!